How to Relinquish

Colorado Beagle Rescue accepts beagles from owners who can no longer care for them, beagles from shelters and beagles who are found as strays.
Any beagle who is aggressive or has bitten someone will not be accepted.
The beagle must be a purebred, but papers are not necessary. If a beagle mix is in need of a home, appropriate referral will be given. Or, refer to the list of shelters on the Area Shelters page.
You must provide all original registration papers, health records, and microchip number.
You must provide two photographs or two digital photographs showing the dog's full body, color, etc.
Completed relinquishment application and relinquishment agreement. These forms are found on the Articles and Forms page.
A placement donation of $50.00 is requested.
The dog is kept in the current owner's home until adopted, unless a foster home is available.
Contact CBR to discuss the reasons for relinquishing the dog before completing and sending this information to CBR.
After all the paperwork is received, the prospective new guardians are given the owner's phone number and will make an appointment to see the dog. If both are compatible, the adoption is then done by mail. Once the adoption has taken place, the previous owner may not try to see the dog. A new bond has to develop with his new family. If the new guardians choose, they may wish to let them know how the dog is getting along. CBR may also be contacted for follow-up information.
For more information on relinquishing a beagle, refer to the Relinquishing A Beagle section on the Articles and Forms page.